Sunday, 2 March 2014

St David's Day / Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant

Happy St. David's Day for yesterday everybody! Dydd Gwyl Dewi is a day of celebration in Wales, and thankfully, I've become old enough not to be forced into a ridiculously itchy welsh lady's costume for the compulsory annual school photo (I'm the chubby little one in the photo above, at the end of the top row, on the left-hand side). Nowadays St David's Day comprises of eating myself into a welsh cake induced coma and wearing a daffodil on my top with pride.

Yesterday I cooked myself, and fellow blogger Lewis Hopkins, a scrumptious lamb dinner in celebration of the patron saint of Wales. I can't take all the credit though because I did pick up a ready-to-roast pack of lamb steaks from M&S - I'm not much of a culinary goddess, but I love my food, so picking up something as simple and tasty as these steaks was the perfect compromise!

The lamb steaks, which came with a honey roast parsnip and rosemary crust, cost me £7 and were cooked to perfection in just 28 minutes. I found no fault with the meat whatsoever! Usually lamb can be quite fatty, which I'm not a huge fan of, but these steaks were absolutely delicious. I would definitely recommend them as they're so simple to cook and are such great quality meat. 

No roast dinner is complete without deliciously crispy roasties! I peeled white potatoes, covered them in olive oil and then seasoned them with some sea salt and ground black pepper. The olive oil helps the potatoes become wonderfully crispy on the outside whilst still maintaining a light, fluffy centre - delish! The potatoes took roughly 45 minutes to an hour to crisp up nicely (our student oven isn't the greatest), but were so worth the wait!

Next I cooked off some veggies and made up the gravy as the lamb rested. Dinner was ready in just over an hour and was so simple and easy to make. It was absolutely delicious, even if i do say so myself, and would definitely cook it again. It was an extremely satisfactory dinner and kept me full for hours afterwards which is quite an achievement as I'm a such a massive snacker!

I finished off my St David's Day working for  Climax Promotions (an event management company based in Cardiff) at one of their events. The city centre was bustling with people of all ages and there was such a light and happy atmosphere about the place. The highlight of my day, however, had to be the sight of the VIP manager dressed up as Captain Cymru in order to pull in the punters! 

How was your Dydd Gwyl Dewi? 
Did you try out any welsh delicacies?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morgan,

    Thanks for plugging my blog and cooking me the most delicious dinner. I have to say it was my favourite and most Welsh St.David's of my life. Without sounding too vulgar the thick gravy was so good it made me moist!

    I'm loving this blog :)

    Lewis xx
